
Address: Woodland Hills, CA
Business Genre:
Short Business Description: Who: Katonya Breaux

When: 2016

Why: Unsun Cosmetics was founded by Katonya Breaux in 2016, after much frustration by the lack of options within the world of clean sunscreen products for women of color. Unsun Cosmetics was created to provide clean, no-residue options that were kind to the person using it as well as the environment it’s being used in.

Where: Woodland Hills, CA
Business Website Address:
Beauty Bakerie
Address: San Diego, CA
Business Genre:
Short Business Description: Who:
Cashmere Nicole


A near-death experience taught me that nothing is more important in this life than the moments that are gone too fast. Having long-lasting, smudge-free makeup may seem like a simple novelty to one person, but to me, the 8-15 times I would have spent touching up my makeup today are now the 8-15 opportunities I have to be in the moment. There is no more conflict about kissing my loved one or protecting the 55 minutes of makeup I worked on. I don’t have to choose any longer between my looks and the precious moments that pass us by.

I can have my cake and eat it too.

San Diego, CA
Business Website Address: