
Address: Marietta, Ga
Short Business Description: Who: Michael Anthony Hines and Lois Reid-Hines

What: Tropic Isle Living offers natural hair and skincare products inspired by traditional Caribbean remedies.

When: 1992

Where: Based in Marietta, Ga

Why: Tropic Isle began in 1992 with a suitcase, a gallon of Jamaican Black Castor Oil, a hand cart, and a dream to celebrate Jamaican traditions & remedies. Later it would become Tropic Isle Living. It was then that Michael Anthony Hines would coin the name that is now recognized as “Jamaican Black Castor Oil”. Following Michael’s passing in 2016, Lois was given the option to sell Tropic Isle Living or to become the fearless leader that it greatly needed. Lois chose the latter.

Today, Lois has made it her mission to carry out Michael’s vision of making Jamaican Black Castor Oil a household staple, while continuing to create innovative new products that are rich in tradition, culture, and natural Jamaican-sourced ingredients. Tropic Isle Living continues to flourish and now can be found in many beauty supply stores, health food stores, and major retailers around the globe.

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