Red Bay Coffee

Red Bay Coffee
Business Name: Red Bay Coffee
Short Business Description: Who: Keba Konte (founder)

When: 2014

Why: At the forefront of what we believe is the fourth wave of coffee, we are a firm committed to the production of cofffe that high quality and environmentally sustainable. On top of that we believe that that coffee production can be a vehicle for diversity, inclusion, social and economic restoration, and entrepreneurship. We are a community of foodies, artists, activists, and innovators who are deeply in love with what we do.We seek to create unity by hiring and serving people of all backgrounds, striving to be diverse and inclusive of those who have traditionally been left out of the specialty coffee industry, especially people of color, the formerly incarcerated, women and people with disabilities.

Where: San Francisco
Business Website Address:
Business Address: San Francisco
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tags:food-and-drink, grocery-gourmet-food, roasted-coffee-beans, company_redbaycoffee, company-redbaycoffee