EDEN Bodyworks

Business Name: EDEN Bodyworks
Short Business Description: Who: Jasmine Lawrence

What: EDEN Bodyworks offers natural hair and body care products made from plant-based ingredients.

When: 2004

Where: Memphis, TN

Why: As the old adage goes, “necessity is the mother of invention/when there’s a will there’s a way.” This exact sentiment is what drove Jasmine Lawrence to launch EDEN BodyWorks back in 2004. After facing her first beauty challenge — a hair-damaging chemical burn — at age 11, Lawrence was shocked to learn about the lack of natural products that could help nurture and restore her hair. So, in true entrepreneurial fashion, she took to her kitchen and began concocting her own remedies.

For over a decade, coming up with straightforward solutions aimed at common, everyday beauty concerns has been EDEN’s promise to you. Inspired by nature, they offer quality products that treat and maintain the hair and body’s original design. Each of their collections combine the transformative power of benefit-rich ingredients known to deliver the best results. So no matter what you’re facing — whether it be tricky split ends or dry, dull skin — they've got you covered at an unbeatable price!

Business Website Address: https://edenbodyworks.com/
Business Address: Memphis, TN
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