Rucker Roots

Rucker Roots
Business Name: Rucker Roots
Short Business Description: Who:
Ellen Rucker Sellers & Ione Rucker Jamison


Dating back to the early 1980s, the Rucker sister’s mother used vegetables from the family garden along with oils, mayonnaise, eggs, and avocados to mix up kitchen concoctions to include in their hair regimen. This helped the sisters develop an appreciation for natural hair care products, the value of family and importance of their heritage and strong roots. Later in life when the owners Ellen and Ione became mothers, they desired for their daughters to love and appreciate their natural hair and have the products available to keep their hair healthy. These events lead to them creating Rucker Roots. The brand was first introduced in 2015 on the sister’s reality TV show Love Thy Sister on WeTV.

Charlotte, N.C.
Business Website Address:
Business Address: Charlotte, N.C.
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