Getting Started on Black Owned Prime
Welcome Black Owned Prime Member!
Here is a quick guide to some of the features provided to our users. If you’re brand new we recommend going through each step in order by clicking on the boxes below to expand them. If you’re just curious or using this as a reference feel free to jump around.
Step 1 - Add Associates to receive birthday product recommendations.
An associate is any friend, significant other, or family member who you’d like to get birthday reminders and gift recommendations for. All you need to provide is their name, birthday ( month and day), and their relationship with you. With this information we can deliver you a few gift ideas that they may enjoy.
To add an associate:
- Head to the My Account area after logging in.
- Click on the “Add Associate” tab.
- Populate the form with your first associate providing the name in the textbox, selecting their relationship to you in the dropdown, and their birthday in the date picker. (Quick reminder that we don’t use the year of the birthday so you will only see the Month and Day after making your selection).
- To save the associate click on the “Add Associate” button. Congrats you have added your first Associate! To View this newly added associate you can click on the tab labeled “Associates”. In this tab you should see your newly added associate’s name in the table.
Step 2
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